Friday, July 01, 2005

New items…Good Health Quilts, a tasty Triscuit type cracker , low salt, being sold top shelf Aisle 6B.
Equal Exchange does not have any Ethiopian coffee beans right now but we are selling it ground in the packaged coffee area, under the teas, at a sale price of $4.24/12 oz. We are filling the empty bulk bin, with Zapatista medium roast beans—let us know if you like it.
New beverages—Teas’ green jasmine & white tea, both unsweetened, on shelves with bottled teas, across from the beer, Aisle 2. I was surprised by how much I liked the combination of green tea & jasmine, it adds a slightly sweet flavor & doesn’t require sugar. I like Numi’s Monkey King green tea & jasmine tea bags, sold aisle 5B. Its flavor holds up well with lots of ice cubes.
Also a new Ceres flavor—papaya.

The Switch sodas--only the lemonade has been in stock, black cherry & tangerine not available the past couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, thank you thank you thank you for adding the green jasmine tea. I love that stuff and was always disappointed when I saw only the other "flavors" of teas tea.