Monday, August 29, 2011

Hepworth and the Hurricane

Things are remarkably well....AMY and a crew were out before the storm reinforcing tomatoes with additional stakes and cross wires. We farm on hills so most of our fields are doing fine...Some of the green fields are too wet to go on...but I think things are draining there.
WE just picked your Eggplant, Peppers, Zucchini and Cukes...they look great.
Tomatoes are doing just fine...
There are a few down apple trees but amazingly the apples held on and we are poised for a good apple crop (this was our biggest concern)
The wind was not a brutal as we expected and the rain was more...Amy was on the excavator repairing streams and flooded ponds yesterday... It's been intense but we fared well. There are disaster stories, but they are not ours, and our heart aches for many of our farmer friends.
Just wanted to send you a quick note..

All the best,
Hepworth Farms

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